2019年9月15日 星期日

在旅行的路上 - 徐佳瑩

在旅行的路上 On the way to travelling

美麗的福爾摩沙 海風輕輕地颳
In beautiful Formosa, the sea wind is blowing gently
風箏抵抗風沙 不願放手的是牽掛
The kite resists the sandstorm
It's the caring hand that can't just let it go
繽紛的客家桐花 如雨 落下
Bountiful stunning Hakka tung blossoms are falling like rain
喝杯家鄉的擂茶 我重溫家鄉話
Sipping a cup of local lei-cha, I'm speaking with my mother tongue 

平溪冉冉的天燈 說好了不離分
Pingxi sky lanterns are rising gently
We promise to be together forever
廟會的宋江陣 熱鬧了久違的我們
The Song-jiang Battle Array at the temple fair energizes long-time-no-see friends
鹽水蜂炮不轉彎 一起 勇敢
Yenshui beehive fireworks won't change the route
And will be brave with you
八家將在震撼 用傳統 的力量
Ba-jia-jiang (the eight generals) shakes the world with the power of tradition

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
We share stories on the way to travelling
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
There is a passionate place called Taiwan
原住民歌聲嘹亮 迴盪在東海岸
Aboriginal tribes' clear singing resounds throughout the east coast 
小米酒飄香 豐年祭裡我淺嚐
The fragrance of millet wine spreads far and wide
I give it a try on Harvest Festival

太平洋是一整片 蔚藍色的面
Pacific Ocean is a sparkling blue surface
蘭嶼的風鹹鹹 有飛魚最深的眷戀
Salty winds on Orchid Island are flying fish's deepest love
我們從雪山遠眺 蘭陽 平原
We enjoy a bird's eye view of Lanyang Plain from Snow Mountain
噶瑪蘭故事蜿蜒 在蔥綠的稻田
The stories of the Kavalan meander around verdant paddy fields

日出我們登玉山 太麻里望曙光
We climb Mt. Jade at sunrise, watch the dawn light at Taimali
那愛河碼頭上 說好了一起看夕陽
We agree to watch the sunset together at the seaport of Love River
手中的珍珠奶茶 甜蜜 喝下
Drinking sweetly pearl milk tea in hand
夜市裡的喧嘩 讓我們 想起家
The hubbub at the night market makes us think of home

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
We share stories on the way to travelling
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
There is a passionate place called Taiwan
歌仔戲粉墨登場 演歷史的過往
Taiwanese opera is on and showing the past stories in history
布袋戲拉回 一段 童年的時光
Glove puppetry takes us back to the childhood

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
We share stories on the way to travelling
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
There is a passionate place called Taiwan
我們將腳步放慢 聊著天在路上
We slow our steps and chat on the way
你行李裝滿 遠赴他鄉的夢想
Your luggage is filled with dreams to explore the world

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
We share stories on the way to travelling
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
There is a passionate place called Taiwan
我用思念在醞釀 牢記你的模樣
I'm brewing with my cares to remember you
揮揮手再見 祝你 旅途平安 
Waving goodbye and wish you a safe journey

