2022年2月22日 星期二

我不知道愛是什麼 - 艾怡良


我不知道愛是什麼 艾怡良

I don’t know what love is

坦白來說 我不知道愛是什麼

Frankly speaking, I don’t know what love is.


Do I love you? How much do I love you?

諸如此類的這些話 我都不知道是什麼

I don’t understand these words at all.

所以不要與我交談 不要揣測過頭

So, don’t talk to me, don’t guess my thinking.

如果這些都模糊了 你的基本認知

If these blur your cognition about love,

如果對你來說 不夠雋永

If they’re not meaningful enough to you,

那麼歡迎來到 我的腦中

Then welcome to my brain,

這裡對愛沒有解釋 只有一些細微的撩動

There’s no explanation about love here, but some tiny vibrations.

例如我直視你的眼神 與她不同

For example, how my eyes look at you is different from her,

我走過你身邊的角度 與她不同

How I walk by your side is different from her,

我開口跟你說話的時機 與她不同

When I talk to you is different from her,

我用的詞彙艱澀 與她不同

What words I use is different from her.

例如我真的在乎 否則不會沉默

For example, I do care, or I wouldn’t be silent.

一如以往面無表情 卻更洶湧

Stone-faced as usual, but more overwhelmed.

還期待 或許是壞了規則 要的太多

I thought maybe I broke the rules, I asked too much of you.

或許愛是這樣吧 那我不懂

Maybe that’s what love is. Then I really don’t understand.

我是獨一無二的 你懂不懂

Do you realize I’m one of a kind?

我的愛是什麼 你得自己感受

You have to feel about my love by yourself.

2021年7月17日 星期六

萬千花蕊慈母悲哀 - 珂拉琪

珂拉琪 Collage/萬千花蕊慈母悲哀

Thousands of blossoms, the merciful Mother's sorrow

下晡 一个人踮厝內

This afternoon, I was alone at home

西北雨 沃澹窗外的衫

The thunderstorm wet the clothes hung outside

外口的人 猶未轉來

The guy hadn't returned home yet

戇戇咧等 戇戇攑一支雨傘

I was blindly waiting, holding an umbrella  

為你 幾若擺睏袂去

Because of you, I tossed and turned several times

全世界 揣袂著你的形影

I couldn't find you anywhere

凡勢 會當共你放捒

Maybe, I would be able to abandon you

氣身惱命 我哪會攏無要無緊

I was irritated and furious, but how come I did nothing for it?

踮遮規暝 看電火閃爍

I stood here the whole night, and stared at the dim light

我踮遮等待 拍無去的人

I waited here for the missing guy

聽厝內的聲 聲聲佇咧吼

I heard the sounds in the house, like shouting and crying

我踅來踅去 思念火燒房間

I was pacing around, my yearning was burning the house

袂開的花 無欲轉來的人

The unopened blossom, like someone who wouldn't return home

美麗的你啊 想著你彼當時 攑懸你的旗仔

Beautiful you, I thought of you raising the flag high

路邊的話 滿街路雨紛飛

Gossiping along the roads,  drizzling on the streets

時代的變卦 孤單的我一个人 問天也毋捌

At the change of the time, I was alone praying to God but got no replies

手內啥物攏無 只賰我欲予你的愛

I had nothing in hand but only the love for you

有血有肉的人 煞下落不明

The guy with flesh and blood was gone

共你的 記持啊 囥佇我的心內

I put our memories in my mind

騎你的 白馬啊 行你欲行的路

Riding your white horse, walking on your way

風吹來 花落塗 點一欉香祈求

The wind blew, the blossom dropped in the ground, 

I ignited an incense stick to pray 


Namo Guanyin Pusa

若準講你 算著這齣悲劇

If Pusa you foretold this tragedy, 

你敢會看顧 紲落來伊頭前 彼逝歹行的路

would you look after him while he was walking the next rugged road

夢中的我 看你沓沓仔行

I saw you walking slowly in my dream,

牽你的亡魂 有一工咱做伙 轉去彼个所在

I led your soul, someday we'll get together, go back to that place

我 蔫去的愛(規路攏是)

My withered love (here and there)

佮你 恬去的心(你)

With your silent heart (you)


In this dark era (In this dark era)


Predestined separate (wanna speak out)


Unfinished letter


And endless words (resignedly)

(亻因) 開袂完的銃(開袂完的銃)

(Those) endless shooting (endless shooting)


People were gone (ashes stayed)

雨 微微仔落

It was drizzling

天 微微仔光

The day was dawning

看你 微微仔笑

You were smiling


See you in the next life

2019年10月17日 星期四

後來 - 劉若英

後來 Afterwards

梔子花白花瓣 落在我藍色百褶裙上
Petals of cape jasmines fell on my blue pleated skirt
愛你 你輕聲說 我低下頭聞見一陣芬芳
“I love you,” you gently said. I bowed the head and smelled the fragrance.
那個永恆的夜晚 十七歲仲夏 你吻我的那個夜晚
At the night of midsummer, we were 17 years old, and you kissed me.
讓我往後的時光 每當有感嘆 總想起當天的星光
After that, whenever I felt frustrated, I usually thought of the starry night that day.
那時候的愛情 為什麼就能那樣簡單
Why could love be so simple at that time?
而又是為什麼 人年少時 一定要讓深愛的人受傷
Why did we have to hurt the one who we loved so much when we were young?
在這相似的深夜裡 你是否一樣 也在靜靜追悔感傷
At this similar deep night, are you also feeling regretful in silence?
如果當時我們能 不那麼倔強 現在也不那麼遺憾
If we weren’t obstinate then, now we wouldn’t be that regretful.
你都如何回憶我 帶著笑或是很沉默
Do you recall me with smile or silence?
這些年來 有沒有人能讓你不寂寞
These years, is there anyone who makes you feel not lonely?

後來 我總算學會了如何去愛 可惜你早已遠去 消失在人海
Afterwards, I finally learned how to love, but you already left and disappeared among people.
後來 終於在眼淚中明白 有些人 一旦錯過就不在
Afterwards, in tears, I finally realized that some people won’t be with you anymore once you miss them.

2019年9月15日 星期日

在旅行的路上 - 徐佳瑩

在旅行的路上 On the way to travelling

美麗的福爾摩沙 海風輕輕地颳
In beautiful Formosa, the sea wind is blowing gently
風箏抵抗風沙 不願放手的是牽掛
The kite resists the sandstorm
It's the caring hand that can't just let it go
繽紛的客家桐花 如雨 落下
Bountiful stunning Hakka tung blossoms are falling like rain
喝杯家鄉的擂茶 我重溫家鄉話
Sipping a cup of local lei-cha, I'm speaking with my mother tongue 

平溪冉冉的天燈 說好了不離分
Pingxi sky lanterns are rising gently
We promise to be together forever
廟會的宋江陣 熱鬧了久違的我們
The Song-jiang Battle Array at the temple fair energizes long-time-no-see friends
鹽水蜂炮不轉彎 一起 勇敢
Yenshui beehive fireworks won't change the route
And will be brave with you
八家將在震撼 用傳統 的力量
Ba-jia-jiang (the eight generals) shakes the world with the power of tradition

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
We share stories on the way to travelling
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
There is a passionate place called Taiwan
原住民歌聲嘹亮 迴盪在東海岸
Aboriginal tribes' clear singing resounds throughout the east coast 
小米酒飄香 豐年祭裡我淺嚐
The fragrance of millet wine spreads far and wide
I give it a try on Harvest Festival

太平洋是一整片 蔚藍色的面
Pacific Ocean is a sparkling blue surface
蘭嶼的風鹹鹹 有飛魚最深的眷戀
Salty winds on Orchid Island are flying fish's deepest love
我們從雪山遠眺 蘭陽 平原
We enjoy a bird's eye view of Lanyang Plain from Snow Mountain
噶瑪蘭故事蜿蜒 在蔥綠的稻田
The stories of the Kavalan meander around verdant paddy fields

日出我們登玉山 太麻里望曙光
We climb Mt. Jade at sunrise, watch the dawn light at Taimali
那愛河碼頭上 說好了一起看夕陽
We agree to watch the sunset together at the seaport of Love River
手中的珍珠奶茶 甜蜜 喝下
Drinking sweetly pearl milk tea in hand
夜市裡的喧嘩 讓我們 想起家
The hubbub at the night market makes us think of home

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
We share stories on the way to travelling
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
There is a passionate place called Taiwan
歌仔戲粉墨登場 演歷史的過往
Taiwanese opera is on and showing the past stories in history
布袋戲拉回 一段 童年的時光
Glove puppetry takes us back to the childhood

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
We share stories on the way to travelling
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
There is a passionate place called Taiwan
我們將腳步放慢 聊著天在路上
We slow our steps and chat on the way
你行李裝滿 遠赴他鄉的夢想
Your luggage is filled with dreams to explore the world

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
We share stories on the way to travelling
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
There is a passionate place called Taiwan
我用思念在醞釀 牢記你的模樣
I'm brewing with my cares to remember you
揮揮手再見 祝你 旅途平安 
Waving goodbye and wish you a safe journey

靜止 - 楊乃文

靜止 Still

寂寞圍繞著電視 垂死堅持 在兩點半消失
Loneliness surrounds the TV
I'm struggling and will disappear at 2:30
多希望有人來陪我 度過末日
I hope someone could be with me to spend the end of the world
空虛敲打著意志 彷彿這時間已靜止
Void keeps knocking my will as if the time already stops
我懷疑人們的生活 有所掩飾
I assume that people's lives have something hidden behind
啊 垂死堅持 啊 已靜止
Ah dying struggling Ah already stop
衝動在瞬間消失 夢被稀釋 不停轉動著手指
Impulses disappear all of a sudden. Dreams have been diluted
Turning the finger incessantly

我幻想美麗的生活 何時開始
When will my imaginary beautiful life start?
時光不經意流逝 像顆在耗費的電池
Time flies incautiously like a dying battery
我感到有點失落 無法抑制
I feel a little upset, can't suppress
啊 垂死堅持 啊 已靜止
Ah dying struggling Ah already stop
啊 垂死堅持 啊 全部消失
Ah dying struggling Ah all disappear

2019年8月18日 星期日

象牙舟 - 傻子與白痴

象牙舟 Ivory Boat

駛過 你眸中的懵懂
Sailing past the innocence of your eyes
Can't realize the moment or the eternity

駛過 千萬人的床頭
Sailing past tens of millions of bedsides
Tens of millions of dreams
floating along affections

Though if you are fearless in the result
I would build a port
If you feel like mooring, then just moor

Sailing through millions of continuous mountains
No matter if water is clear or not
If time is limited,
then just enjoy the journey
Forget about the past
May we carry sweet dreams
Time is jealous of immortality,
filtering future endings
與你 和我
with you, with me

試過 愛荏苒而朦朧
Have given it a try. Love slipped away and was vague.
Becoming tender after stopping involving in love affairs

聽說 隻字片語的厚重
I heard of the heaviness of pieces of words
Commitments have been filled with dust

If you lose
Lose the original intention of this journey
You begin to care about our ending
I will hold your hands
There's no more need for us to navigate
We just sail with the flow of destiny
After sailing past dozens of rivers and hundreds of seas,
we will still return to the port
而我 與你 依舊
And you and I, as usual

2019年8月6日 星期二

像我這樣的人 - 毛不易

Someone like me 像我這樣的人

Someone excellent like me
should have lived a shining life.
How come these twenty more years,
I've been still floating around?

Someone intelligent like me
already said good bye to innocence.
Why did I still use my pure love
to exchange nasty wounds?

Someone perplexed like me
Someone like me who is looking for something
Someone like me who is a nobody
How many have you ever seen?

Someone ordinary like me
doesn't like to feign depression.
but sometimes when I hear an old song,
I also fall into deep thoughts.

Someone coward like me
doesn't fight for anything with full energy
How come I was also willing to
sacrifice myself just for someone?

Someone perplexed like me
Someone like me who is looking for something
Someone like me who is a nobody
How many have you ever seen?

Someone lonely like me
Someone stupid like me
Someone like me who isn't satisfied with their mediocrity像我這樣不甘平凡的人
How many people like me are there in the world?

Would anyone sympathize with someone inexplicable like me?
像我這樣莫名其妙的人 會不會有人心疼